Interaction on the reality interface
River Niger © César Meneghetti / Under The Mango Tree
Interaction on the reality interface
“César Meneghetti has created a complex work in two overlapping styles – art / document: a form of praxis based on the reciprocal incursion and confrontation of compensation within the creative flow of daily life” writes art historian and critic Simonetta Lux in her forward to the exhibition at the Museum Lab of Contemporary Art of Rome. “In his work the disposition of traces, material or immaterial, recodified in flux, converge with the human condition, the emotions, and the problems he encounters and experiences upon his way throughout the world – from Brazil to Italy from the Orient to Africa – and he manages to capture them in art, to discover innovative transnational interconnections and turn them into language, into work, into art: a singular manner of communicating and sharing, which art alone can reveal”.
Composed initially for a series of 8 main oeuvres (video, photography, installation and documentation), K_lab – interacting on the reality interface narrates, documents, and analyses the work of the mostly female population in its fight against desertification and the struggle for water in the Keita Valley, the region situated between the Sahel and Central Africa.
Until the 10th of January the video works K 03_the last slate (12 video series, 86”, HD, colour), K 05_still femmes (video, 15 min. HD colour), K 06_01011001 (triptych video, 4’, 10’ e 11’, HD, colour), part of the relational, processual, and multimedia project K_lab – interacting on the reality interface, built in Niger and Italy (2007/2009) and the new unreleased works (K 09_CMD+C_CMD+V, K_10_CMD+C_CMD+V and K_11) made specially for this occasion will be shown.
Opening Hours
Wed–Fri 11:30–14:00 / 15:30–18:30
Sa/Su 13:00–16:30
Girl with the red scarf © César Meneghetti / Under The Mango Tree
Exemplary Works
Girl with the black scarf
© César Meneghetti / Under The Mango Tree
Girl with the red scarf
© César Meneghetti / Under The Mango Tree
Virtual Exhibition: Präzise Weite
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Merseburgerstr. 14,
10823, Berlin, Germany
+49 30 787 184 75