03. July 2022, 19:00

Jazz Concert

The Big Berry Duo | Omri Abramov | Tal Yadin Tickets: 15€ Students: 12 €


Omri Abramov (Saxophone) and Tal Yadin (Guitar)

Sun. July 3rd, 2022 @19:00

Regular 15€ / Students 12 €

About the Artists


Guitarist and composer Tal Yadin has developed a unique music style over a cource of a journey,; the broad variety of natural and cultural landscapes in which he has
lived and performed is today reflected in his musical personality.

Omri Abramov is a Saxofonist & EWI player, composer and producer,. In 2018 Omri joined as a Saxofon player and producer for Sistanagila, an ethnic-jazz message of peace, consisting of Iranian and israeli musicians.

The Band is touring Europe extensively and in 2019 performed more than 60 shows around Germany. In March 2021 Omri released the debut EPof his NYC trio „Hovervraft“

Under The Mango tree

Contact Us

Merseburgerstr. 14, 
10823, Berlin, Germany

+49 30 787 184 75 