In 2009 the Berlin painter, book artist and fashion designer Irene Wedell invited the writer Martin Beyer to follow her. In long conversations in her house in Hohen Neuendorf, she confided in him the course of her life.
A life path with an existential turning point, because in the early 1960s, shortly before her marriage, Irene Wedell found out that she had been adopted. She had a second mother, a second family story. She experienced what it is like to suddenly feel like a stranger in your own biography. In the 1960s it was already difficult for the young woman to lead a self-determined life, especially as an artist. Not even in her husband‘s ‚68 circles. She did not experience the great liberation here, but a repetition of the deadlocked gender roles.
Under The Mango Tree stands for tolerance, integration and the will to always explore new ideas. Beyond the exhibitions the gallery tries to foster political and cultural discourse from a grassroots level by initiating public discussions and lectures on topics connected to power, identity and migration.
The Gallery is indebted to the countless collaborators and the growing community that supports the production of the cultural work. With many years to come we hope that we can provide a positive space for cultural reflection in the heart of Berlin.

Torso Study, 1984
Acrylic and pastel on black paper
84 x 109 cm , signed
©IW Nachlass / UTMT
Exemplary Works

Torso Study, 1984
Acrylic and pastel on paper
62 x 88 cm , signed
©IW Nachlass / UTMT

Wind, 1984
Acrylic, pastel, lead on paper
62 x 88 cm , signed
©IW Nachlass / UTMT

Torso Study, 1984
Acrylic and pastel on black paper
84 x 109 cm , signed
©IW Nachlass / UTMT

Torso Study, 1984
Acrylic and pastel on black paper
84 x 109 cm , signed
©IW Nachlass / UTMT
Virtual Exhibition

Under The Mango tree
Contact Us
Merseburgerstr. 14,
10823, Berlin, Germany
+49 30 787 184 75