Friday 24.11.23 @19:30 Hrs.

Eb Davis and Trio

EB Davis, The Blues Ambassador with his wonderful Trio

*Registrations are considered as bought tickets and will be billed if not cancelled 48hrs prior to the concert date



Friday 24.11.23 @19:30 Hrs.

Regular 15€ / Students 12 €

*Registrations are considered as bought tickets and will be billed if not cancelled 48hrs prior to the concert date

About the Artists

Eb Davis and Trio
He played in the sixties/seventies in a soul band in New York, the Soulgroovers.
Internationally known as the Blues Ambassador. Born in the Arkansas Delta and raised on the Blues Mecca Beale Street in Memphis Tennessee. EB and his long-standing, tight and disciplined  Superband has been delighting audiences around the world with Blues and Soul for more than 25 years. He comes again and adds life to this Schoeneberger neighborhood with his wonderful Trio! Come one and come all.
Registrations Open:
Entrance: 15 € Students: 12 €


Anmeldung unter

Under The Mango tree

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10823, Berlin, Germany

+49 30 787 184 75